- qat.fermion.chemistry.pyscf_tools.perform_pyscf_computation(geometry: list, basis: str, spin: int, charge: int, run_fci: bool = False)
Perform various calculations using PySCF. This function is a helper function meant to kickstart molecule studies. Its use is completely optional, and using other methods or packages is entirely possible.
This function will compute:
The reduced density matrix,
The orbital energies,
The nuclear repulsion constant,
The number of electrons,
The one- and two-body integrals,
The groundstate energies obtained through Hartree-Fock and 2nd order Möller-Plesset perturbation approach,
(Optional) The groundstate energy using the full configuration interaction (full CI) approach.
The FCI computation is very expensive for big molecules. Enable it only for small molecules !
- Parameters:
geometry (list) –
Defines the molecular structure. The internal format is PySCF format:
atom = [[atom1, (x, y, z)], [atom2, (x, y, z)], ... [atomN, (x, y, z)]]
basis (str) – Defines the basis set.
spin (int) – 2S, number of alpha electrons - number beta electrons to control multiplicity. If spin is None, multiplicity
molecule. (will be guessed based on the neutral)
charge (int) – Charge of molecule. Affects the electron numbers.
run_fci (bool, optional) – Whether the groundstates energies should also be computed using a full CI approach. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
rdm1 (np.ndarray): Reduced density matrix.
orbital_energies (list): List of orbital energies.
nuclear_repulsion (float): Nuclear repulsion constant.
nels (int): Number of electrons.
one_body_integrals (np.ndarray): One-body integral.
two_body_integrals (np.ndarray): Two-body integral.
info (dict): Dictionary containing the Hartree-Fock and 2nd order Möller-Plesset computed ground state energies (and optionally the Full CI energy if run_fci is set to True).
- Return type:
Tuple[np.ndarray, list, float, int, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, dict]