
qat.fermion.circuits.make_general_hwe_circ(nqbits: int, n_cycles: int = 1, rotation_gates: ~typing.List[~qat.lang.AQASM.gates.Gate] = None, entangling_gate: ~qat.lang.AQASM.gates.Gate = <qat.lang.AQASM.gates.PredefGate object>) Circuit

Constructs an ansatz made of \(n_{\mathrm{cycles}}\) layers of so-called thinly-dressed routines, that is to say entanglers surrounded by four one-qubit rotations are applied on nearest-neighbour qubits in an odd/even alternating pattern.

This circuit is typically of the hardware-efficient class.

  • nqbits (int) – Number of qubits of the circuit.

  • n_cycles (int) – Number of layers.

  • rotation_gates (List[Gate]) – Parametrized rotation gates to include around the entangling gate. Defaults to \(RY\). Must be of arity 1.

  • entangling_gate (Gate) – The 2-qubit entangler. Must be of arity 2. Defaults to \(CNOT\).

