
Downloading myQLM notebooks

Please download this zip file containing all our notebooks.

Then, you can start the notebook overview.ipynb which contains a table of content of all our tutorials.

jupyter notebook path/to/overview.ipynb

Please clone the GitHub repository myqlm-notebooks containing all our notebooks

Then, you can start the notebook overview.ipynb which contains a table of content of all our tutorials.

jupyter notebook path/to/overview.ipynb

myQLM notebooks can be executed without installing anything, by running these notebooks in your web browser, using myBinder. Several environments are available:

myBinder without myQLM-interop

Run myQLM notebooks in your browser, using an environment without myQLM-interop installed.

myBinder with myQLM-interop for Qiskit

Environment in which myQLM-interop with Qiskit Binder has been installed

myBinder with myQLM-interop for Cirq

Environment in which myQLM-interop with Cirq Binder has been installed

myBinder with myQLM-interop for PyQuil

Environment in which myQLM-interop with PyQuil Binder has been installed

myBinder with myQLM-interop for ProjectQ

Environment in which myQLM-interop with Qiskit ProjectQ has been installed

Getting started

QLM Commands


Describing and manipulating time-dependent schedules


Running digital quantum simulations for spin and fermionic systems

Running digital quantum simulations for spin and fermionic systems


Spin fermion transforms

Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Fermions: tutorial

Quantum Phase Estimation on the Hubbard molecule

Quantum chemistry: Solving H2 using UCC

Quantum chemistry: Solving LiH using UCC

Advanced VQE: Quantum Subspace Expansion

Natural gradient-based optimizer

Optimizing circuits with the sequential optimization plugin

Mitigating multiqubit gate noise

Running several optimizations and keeping the best one with MultipleLaunchesPlugin

Programming with qat.lang

Programming with qat.lang


Writing a basic quantum program

Measurements and classical control

Quantum program creation

Defining and using a custom gate set in pyAQASM

Quantum Fourier Transform

Definition of all avalaible gates

Grover and quantum search

Creating and using your own gate set in (py)AQASM

Circuit inlining

Temporary/ancilla qubits management

Compute, uncompute, and computation scopes

Writing and linking libraries

Very advanced usage: linking under control

Quantum Types

Differentiating jobs

Atos Quantum Assembly Language: Quick Reference

Basic quantum algorithms

Basic quantum algorithms


Grover search and amplitude amplification

Quantum Phase Estimation

Quantum Counting

Adding plugins to your computation stack

Adding plugins to your computation stack


Defining and using custom Plugins

Emulating custom hardware inside universal processors

The observable splitter plugin

The circuit inliner plugin

Defining and using custom Plugins

Junctions and optimizers

Designing and running variational algorithms in the QLM

Designing and running variational algorithms in the QLM


Scipy minimize variational plugin

A simple VQE example

Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Displaying information through the execution stack

First steps with the QLM

First steps with the QLM


Creation of an EPR pair using two qubits

Manipulating and measuring observables

Measuring subsets of qubits

Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Combinatorial Optimization Problems



Max Cut


Graph Partitioning




Vertex Cover


Number Partitioning


Basic example of use of simulated annealing



Cirq Tutorials

Openqasm Tutorials

Projectq Tutorials

Pyquil Tutorials

Qiskit Tutorials

Interoperability in the QLM

Using Qiskit QPUs on the QLM

Simulation of quantum circuits on the QLM: introduction

Simulation of quantum circuits on the QLM: introduction


Analyzing the output of a run