
class qat.hardware.DefaultHardwareModel(gate_times=None, gate_noise=None, idle_noise=None, channel_repr=ChannelRepresentations.KRAUS)

A default hardware model, with perfect gates and possibility to add idling noise and gate noise. It contains:

  • gates: instantaneous gates if nothing specified in constructor

  • environment: noise on idle qubits or nothing if nothing specified

  • gate_times (dict<str, float> or dict<str, dict<tuple<int>, float>> or dict<str, lambda<param, float>> or dict<str, dict<tuple<int>, lambda<param, float>>) – contains duration (possibly parametric) of each gate (possibly qubit-wise)

  • gate_noise (dict<str, ParametricQuantumChannel or lambda<args, QuantumChannel> or dict<int, ParametricQuantumChannel>>) – specifies the noise to be (optionally) appended after each gate application in a dictionary. Keys are gate names, all gates used must be present. Values are either: a quantum channel that depends on gate duration; a lambda giving such channel from gate parameters; or a dictionary of either of these whose keys are qubit indices. The last form is used to have qubit dependent noise. Defaults to None (no gate noise).

  • idle_noise (dict<int, list<ParametricQuantumChannel>> or list<ParametricQuantumChannel>) – specifies the noise to be applied to idle qubits. If a list of channels is given, it means that the same channel, corresponding to the composition of the channels of the list, is applied to all qubits. If a dictionary is given, with keys being the qubit index and values a list of channels, then each qubit receives an idle noise corresponding to the list of channels (which are composed into a single channel) associated with the key. Defaults to None (no idle noise).

  • channel_repr (qat.quops.ChannelRepresentations, optional) – specifies quantum channel representation (e.g Kraus representation or Pauli transfer matrix). Defaults to ChannelRepresentations.KRAUS.


specifies the gates of this hardware.




specifies the noise to be (optionally) appended after each gate application.


dict<str, ParametricQuantumChannel or lambda<args, QuantumChannel>>


specifies the noise to be applied to idle qubits.


dict<int, list<ParametricQuantumChannel>> or list<ParametricQuantumChannel>


specifies the parameters that are used in the Schedule fed to an analog QPU.


dict<str, Parameter>


list of Lindblad jump operators (for analog QPUs).




Remove constant jump operators, if any, since they don’t affect the dynamics

shift_jump_operators(shift: List[complex] | complex) Observable

Shift jump operators \(L_k\) by complex numbers \(\alpha_k\): \(L_k \rightarrow L_k - \alpha_k\).

To maintain the same Lindblad equation, the hamiltonian must be compensated: \(H \rightarrow H + \tilde H\) with


shift (complex or list<complex>) – a complex scalar shift (same for all jump operators) or a list of such (one for each jump operator)


compensation to the hamiltonian \(\tilde H\).

Return type:



ValueError – if no jump operator