
class qat.core.Sample(qregs=None, amplitude=None, state=None, **kwargs)

Simple higher-level wrapper for the serializable Sample class.


qregs (QRegister) – quantum register

Instance attributes:
  • state (State): the measured state

  • probability (float, optional): the probability of the state (infinite number of shots/samples, for simulators only), or frequency of the state (finite number of shots)

  • amplitude (complex, optional): optionally (for simulators), the amplitude of the state

  • intermediate_measurements (IntermediateMeasurement): list of intermediate measurements

  • err (float, optional): optionally, the sampling error: if the number of samples is finite, it is the estimate of the standard error on the mean \(\varepsilon_{k}\equiv\sqrt{\langle\left(p_{k}-f_{k}\right)^{2}\rangle}\), where \(p_k\) is the true probability of obtaining state \(|k\rangle\) and \(f_k\) its estimate. if the number samples is infinite (simulator only), it is the error bar on the computed probability (for approximate simulators only, like stochastic simulators)

property amplitude

Returns the amplitude of the Sample (wrapped in a Python complex number)

classmethod from_bytes(data: bytes)

Builds a sample from raw bytes object

classmethod from_thrift(tobject)

Builds a Sample object from a thrift object


Sets the quantum register information for pretty display and cast of states

property state

Gets the state of the sample. The state may be wrapped in a State object