
class qat.interop.qiskit.runtime.QiskitRuntimeQPU(backend: str, skip_transpilation: bool = False, service=None)

IBM Q-Experience QPU. This QPU uses IBM runtime to execute a quantum job. This QPU wraps both the Sampler and Estimator primitives, which means that this QPU can measure both:

  • a list of qubits (i.e. sampling mode)

  • an observable (i.e. observable mode)


If a batch is composed of both sampling jobs and observable jobs, two requests will be done to the Runtime server

  • backend_name (str) – Name of the IBM backend used to execute submitted jobs (e.g. "ibmq_qasm_simulator")

  • skip_transpilation (bool, optional) – Skip transpilation - if set to True, Qiskit runtime will not transpile circuits, otherwise, Qiskit runtime will transpile circuits Default: False (transpilation done by Qiskit runtime)

  • service (Runtime service, optional) – Service used to connect to IBM runtime Default: QiskitRuntimeService()

submit(batch: Batch, meta_data: Optional[dict] = None) BatchResult

Executes a batch of jobs and returns the corresponding list of Results.


batch (Batch) – a batch of jobs. If a single job is provided, the job is embedded into a Batch, executed, and the first result is returned.


a batch result

Return type
