
qat.interop.cirq.cirq_to_qlm(circ, sep_measures=False, **kwargs)

Converts a google cirq circuit to a qlm circuit

  • cirq – the cirq circuit to convert

  • sep_measures

    Separates measures from the circuit:

    • if set to True measures won’t be included in the resulting circuits, qubits to be measured will be put in a list, the resulting measureless circuit and this list will be returned in a tuple : (resulting_circuit, list_qubits)

    • if set to False, measures will be converted normally (Default set to False)

  • kwargs – these are the options that you would use on a regular to_circ function, to generate a QLM circuit from a PyAQASM program these are added for more flexibility, for advanced users


If sep_measures is set to:

  • True: the result is a tuple composed of a Circuit and a list of qubits that should be measured

  • False: the result is a Circuit

Return type:

tuple or Circuit