Sample Job
We take the same example (simple Bell pair circuit) in the Getting Started page to illustrate this case.
The Job
is created from a circuit using the circuit’s to_job()
method, which by default use SAMPLE
processing type.
It is then fed to the QPU’s submit
method, which returns a Result object.
mode, this result can be iterated on, yielding the various “samples”, with each sample
corresponding to a given bitstring (state
) and its frequency of appearance (probability
) upon
conducting a Z measurement over the final state \(|\psi\rangle\). States with zero probability
are not listed (one can set a threshold amp_threshold
to filter out states below a certain probability amplitude).
from qat.lang.AQASM import Program, H, CNOT
from qat.qpus import get_default_qpu
# Create a circuit
qprog = Program()
qbits = qprog.qalloc(2)
CNOT(qbits[0], qbits[1])
circuit = qprog.to_circ()
# Create a job
job = circuit.to_job() # no parameters, equivalent to "nbshots=0"
# Execute
result = get_default_qpu().submit(job)
for sample in result:
print("State %s: probability %s, amplitude %s" % (sample.state, sample.probability, sample.amplitude))
State |00>: probability 0.4999999999999999, amplitude (0.7071067811865475+0j)
State |11>: probability 0.4999999999999999, amplitude (0.7071067811865475+0j)
Here, we also print the probability amplitude
corresponding to each computational basis state.
However, this piece of information is in general not available from an actual QPU, but merely from some classical simulators.
from qat.lang.AQASM import Program, H, CNOT
from qat.qpus import get_default_qpu
# Create a circuit
qprog = Program()
qbits = qprog.qalloc(2)
CNOT(qbits[0], qbits[1])
circuit = qprog.to_circ()
# Create a job
job = circuit.to_job(nbshots=100)
# Execute
result = get_default_qpu().submit(job)
for sample in result:
print("State %s: probability %s +/- %s" % (sample.state, sample.probability, sample.err))
State |00>: probability 0.44 +/- 0.04988876515698589
State |11>: probability 0.56 +/- 0.049888765156985884
We can see that the estimated probability of the states differs from the ideal one due to “shot noise”. The err
field of the sample
object contains the standard error of the mean on the appearance frequency of the state.
It decreases as \(1/\sqrt{n_\mathrm{shots}}\).
Here, we decide to measure only the second qubit:
from qat.lang.AQASM import Program, H, CNOT
from qat.qpus import get_default_qpu
# Create a circuit
qprog = Program()
qbits = qprog.qalloc(2)
CNOT(qbits[0], qbits[1])
circuit = qprog.to_circ()
# Create a job
job = circuit.to_job(nbshots=0, qubits=[1])
# Execute
result = get_default_qpu().submit(job)
for sample in result:
print("State %s: probability %s +/- %s" % (sample.state, sample.probability, sample.err))
State |0>: probability 0.4999999999999999 +/- None
State |1>: probability 0.4999999999999999 +/- None
As expected, the probability of measuring “0” on the second qubit is the same as the
probability of measuring “1”. Here, err
is None
because we took an infinite number
of shots.