Naming quantum routines

Lifting Python functions into quantum gates

Even though the mechanics described in the AbstractGate section are very expressive when designing a library of quantum routines, it might still seem a bit clunky to have to define circuit generators and abstract gates separately.

The build_gate() decorator simplfies this step by allowing you to turn any Python function returning a QRoutine into an AbstractGate.

from qat.lang import QRoutine, H, build_gate, Program

@build_gate("WALSH_HADAMARD", [int], arity=lambda n: n)
def wht(nbqbits):
    routine = QRoutine()
    wires = routine.new_wires(nbqbits)
    for wire in wires:
    return routine

prog = Program()
qbits = prog.qalloc(4)
# This circuit will contain a gate containing a subcircuit
# of length 4
circuit = prog.to_circ()

Linking at circuit extraction

In pyAQASM, it is possible to construct a Program object using AbstractGate objects representing subroutines, without specifying any implementation of the underlying subcircuit.

Consider for instance the following program:

from qat.lang import Program, AbstractGate

prog = Program()
qbits = prog.qalloc(2 * 10)
adder = AbstractGate("ADD", [int, int], arity=lambda n1, n2: n1 + n2)
adder(10, 10)(qbits)

This code will run without error. The generated circuit (the result of to_circ()) will contain a single gate without any subcircuit implementation. Therefore, attempting to execute this circuit on most QPUs will fail.

Now, let’s imagine that we have our very own implementation of an adder, lying in some Python namespace foo. Its definition will look like this:

from qat.lang import QRoutine, H, build_gate

@build_gate("ADD", [int, int], arity=lambda n1, n2: n1 + n2)
def my_adder(length1, length2):
    routine = QRoutine()
    wires = routine.new_wires(length1 + length2)

    ## Here a proper addition is implemented

    return routine

What pyAQASM allows us to do is to use this definition of an adder and link it to the program above in order to attach a proper subcircuit implementation to the ADD gate. The linking is done inside the to_circ() method of the Program via the link keyword. Lets update the first piece of code to link the implementation foo.my_adder to the ADD gate.

# This part stays the same
from qat.lang.AQASM import Program, AbstractGate

prog = Program()
qbits = prog.qalloc(2 * 10)
adder = AbstractGate("ADD", [int, int], arity=lambda n1, n2: n1 + n2)
adder(10, 10)(qbits)

import foo
circuit = prog.to_circ(link=[foo.my_adder])

Now the circuit variable contains a circuit that will probably be executable (depending on your implementation of my_adder). Equivalently one could have linked the full namespace foo, if we had for instance, many definitions of subcircuits inside it:

# This part stays the same
from qat.lang.AQASM import Program, AbstractGate

prog = Program()
qbits = prog.qalloc(2 * 10)
adder = AbstractGate("ADD", [int, int], arity=lambda n1, n2: n1 + n2)
adder(10, 10)(qbits)

import foo
circuit = prog.to_circ(link=[foo])