InitialMapping: a qubit placement optimization plugin


The qat.synthopline.initial_mapping module provides two basic functions that try to optimize the initial qubit mapping:

These methods can sometimes help reduce the entangling gate count of the circuit when used before a routing/synthesis algorithm. Keep in mind that they do not provide definite improvements and can sometimes hinder the quality of the final circuit when used improperly!

Both these methods are wrapped in the InitialMapping plugin


Let’s first remap a circuit using the greedy method.

from qat.lang.AQASM import Program, CNOT

# Let us build a simple circuit

prog = Program()
qbits = prog.qalloc(4)
CNOT(qbits[0], qbits[2])
CNOT(qbits[2], qbits[1])
CNOT(qbits[1], qbits[3])
CNOT(qbits[3], qbits[0])
circuit = prog.to_circ()

import networkx as nx

path_graph = nx.generators.path_graph(4)

from qat.synthopline.initial_mapping import greedy_mapping
mapping, new_circuit = greedy_mapping(circuit, path_graph, remap_circuit=True)
for op in new_circuit.iterate_simple():
{0: 0, 2: 1, 1: 2, 3: 3}
('CNOT', [], [0, 1])
('CNOT', [], [1, 2])
('CNOT', [], [2, 3])
('CNOT', [], [3, 0])

The frequency mapping will start by mapping pairs of qubits that interact more frequently in the circuit. For instance, we can double up on the last gate of our circuit. As a consequence the pair (0, 3) will be mapped first, which will result in a different mapping. In the present example, this leads to a worse mapping.

from qat.lang.AQASM import Program, CNOT

# Let us build a simple circuit

prog = Program()
qbits = prog.qalloc(4)
CNOT(qbits[0], qbits[2])
CNOT(qbits[2], qbits[1])
CNOT(qbits[1], qbits[3])
CNOT(qbits[3], qbits[0])
CNOT(qbits[3], qbits[0])
circuit = prog.to_circ()

import networkx as nx

path_graph = nx.generators.path_graph(4)

from qat.synthopline.initial_mapping import frequency_mapping
mapping, new_circuit = frequency_mapping(circuit, path_graph, remap_circuit=True)
for op in new_circuit.iterate_simple():
{0: 0, 3: 1, 2: 2, 1: 3}
('CNOT', [], [0, 2])
('CNOT', [], [2, 3])
('CNOT', [], [3, 1])
('CNOT', [], [1, 0])
('CNOT', [], [1, 0])

This illustrates the fact that these mapping methods should be used carefully since their behavior might be hard to predict.

These method can be used directly inside a compilation stack in order to minimize compilation overhead. For instance, we can use it together with a Nnizer plugin:

from qat.opt import MaxCut
import networkx as nx

instance = nx.generators.erdos_renyi_graph(16, 0.5)
problem = MaxCut(instance)
job = problem.to_job("qaoa", 2)  # '2' is the depth

from qat.plugins import InitialMapping, Nnizer

stack1 = Nnizer()
stack2 = InitialMapping("frequency") | Nnizer()

from qat.devices import GridDevice

device = GridDevice(4, 4)

from qat.core import Batch

batch = Batch(jobs=[job])
batch1 = stack1.compile(batch, device)
batch2 = stack2.compile(batch, device)

    "Without remap:",
    sum(1 for op in[0].circuit.iterate_simple() if op[0] == "SWAP"),
    "With remap:",
    sum(1 for op in[0].circuit.iterate_simple() if op[0] == "SWAP"),
Without remap: 175 inserted
With remap: 140 inserted