OpenQASM Compiler
Translating quantum circuits
myQLM provides a script to translate a QASM file into a myQLM circuit file.
For instance, the following bash command generate a file bell.circ
containing a myQLM circuit from a text file bell.qasm
# Bash command
oqasm2circ bell.qasm bell.cirq
The Python code corresponding to this translate uses the class
from qat.interop.openqasm import OqasmParser
# Define a bell pair QASM circuit
bell_data = """
// Allocate qubits and cbits
qreg q[2];
creg c[2];
// Define the circuit
h q[0];
cx q[0],q[1];
// Measure
measure q[0] -> c[0];
measure q[1] -> c[1];
# Translate into a myQLM circuit
parser = OqasmParser()
circuit = parser.compile(bell_data)
print("The circuit is composed of gates",
The circuit is composed of gates [('H', [], [0]), ('CNOT', [], [0, 1]), ('MEASURE', [0], [0]), ('MEASURE', [1], [1])]
The 2.0 version of OPENQASM is the only one fully supported, other versions might work flawlessly, but they haven’t been tested.